Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 10

I have lost half a pound a day for the last two days that I have been logging my foods into FitDay. I am now paying more attention to the Quantity as well as the Quality. Hopefully, the weight will continue to drop off steadily. I am a little afraid to get excited though. Today, I AM GOING TO EAT 100% RAW. It will be the first day I will have made it completely raw in my 30 day challenge. And the challenge is about to get A LOT HARDER.
On Saturday, I am heading to the beach for a week with my kids, two of my friends and their kids, and two babysitters. As I have already discovered, it is HARD to eat well at the beach. Especially with all the yummy food, the margaritas, the free time to just sit and nosh, etc.
The good thing is that I will have a lot more time to exercise. Running on the beach, walking, riding bikes with the bike trailer on back, swimming, etc. I am looking forward to being more physically active next week. I still haven't picked back up with running...the hardest part is just getting up and getting my shoes on. I know I will love it once I start up again.

Starting Weight: 159

Current Weight: 158

Today's Exercise:

Today I ate:
-Blueberries, gRAWnola, honey
-1 chicken nugget
-2 fries
-4 (!) granola bars (not raw)
-sunflower seeds

Observations: This is soooo hard!!!


Anonymous said...

Just seeing you has inspired me to get back on the train. You looked so long and lean yesterday. Well, your appearance and the weigh-in at the doctor. I weigh 165 lbs!!!! I can not believe I just typed this for everybody to see. Green Smoothie for breakfast mama! I think margaritas should be on the raw menu. How about a sasspirilly. No, that has sprite in it. Surely, there is something. We will have to google it. Kudos on your 1/2 lbs. That is amazing. You can do this. It will be sooooo worth it in the end. Just picture it - you looking svelte and beautiful and shiny and gorgeous in Jamaica, mon. You won't have to hide behind a cover up, sunglasses and a cap. You won't have to be embarressed. A stitch in time saves nine. So, put your raw diet week at the beach on the calander now then you can have a free week when it's just you and hubby in the tropics. oh, and did you get a bike trailer? Brian decided to get a seat (pooh). I like it. I just really wanted a trailer. Beatrice and I have been riding once a day.

Melissa said...

Still cheering...!!!!!!

Misti Aldrich said...

Oh, how I miss the blueberry picking in Georgia. I'm so jealous. I don't know how you do it, the whole eating raw. I would starve here. Literally because it seems so expensive and there just isn't the abundance. I salute you to your healthy eating. I wish I had the motivation and abundance that the South provides. About all I can eat now is spinach. Oh yeah...and I have some nectarines, raisins..(are those raw?), oranges, canteloupe, and tomatoes. The only thing from my garden because I've been too lazy to get the rest planted, is spinach. I would love some more ideas on your spinach smoothies...? I could use a little more energy.

Love, M

Melissa said...

On your trip - WOW! your friends with a few fabulous raw dishes and that way they can join you.