I have been thinking about them for the last few weeks and am (almost) ready to jump in...after I can walk with out limping ;)
- Lose the last 20 pregnancy pounds, before my 30th birthday in April. That gives me 12 weeks. I did not focus on weight loss at all while marathon training. I also did not lose any weight, though my body shape did change quite a bit, and I dropped a pants size. Losing the weight is going back to #1 priority, now that the marathon is over.
- P90X. I really want to continue to tighten and tone, as well as lose weight. I also feel like I really need to strengthen my core, in order to become a better runner. I have heard P90X is killer! I'm going to start it in the next week or two.
- Continue to run. I will probably run 3x a week, with a long run of 10-12 miles every 10 days to 2 weeks. I would like to run several half marathons this year, especially the Rock 'n Roll half marathon in Savannah this November. My next running goal is to whittle down my half marathon time. I think I could pretty easily run it in around 2:15 right now and am hoping that by losing weight, strengthening my core, and speed work, that I could get down to a sub-2 hour half.
- Eventually, when I am ready to really commit the time to running 5x a week, doing speedwork, cross training, etc. I would like to do another marathon...probably several years from now. I think it will be awhile before I am ready to tackle that mileage again, and I don't want to do it until I am really ready to do the absolute best I can.
I also have mini-goals, that break these bigger goals in to smaller, more attainable pieces. Most of my exercise will continue to take place in the wee hours of the morning, while the rest of my family sleeps. One smaller goal that will help, is to start going to bed earlier. As soon as my hubby and I finish this last season of Lost, I am making that a priority.
Also, focusing my diet on whole foods, with minimal amounts of naturally occurring sugar, is another mini-goal...also, keeping a food journal and weighing regularly keeps me honest.
Do you have any diet/weight loss/fitness goals for 2011? I would love to hear them!